المنبر الاعلامي الحر

US and Gulf states have agreed to push for a cessation of hostilities: John Kerry

Dec.19 Yemeni press

Secretary of State, John Kerry , said  US and Gulf states have agreed to push for a “cessation of hostilities with hopes that
within two weeks it might be possible to achieve it.

He added during a joint press conference with Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir in Riyadh ,” “Our immediate priority is to end the bloodshed and that’s why reestablishing the ceasefire is so critical,”

Adel al-Jubeir has denied reports over the US limiting its military support to the kingdom over its war on Yemen, adding that Riyadh is actually waiting for smart bombs

“This is a media news. The kingdom has received nothing official from the American government in this regard”, he added.

Kerry downplayed the reports of delays in US arms supplies to the kingdom, stressing that he was working hard to push arms sales “forward.”

Last week, reports surfaced over Washington deciding to curb support for Saudi Arabia’s military, including the suspension of the supply of some precision-guided munitions, over concerns of the widespread civilian casualties

Multiple international rights groups have urged the US to halt weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, regarding it to be a complicit in the large number of civilian deaths in Yemen if it fails to do so
Source: Mersad news.

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