المنبر الاعلامي الحر

Roundup: US-Saudi Aggression Jets Continues Heinous Crimes on Yemeni civilians

Dec.25/ Yemeni press

The US-backed Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued their heinous crimes on citizens in several provinces overnight, a military source said on Saturday.

In Ibb province, a family of a husband, wife, and five children killed when the Saudi aggression war jets launched raids on their house at al-Matlaway village in al-Udain district.

In Sa’ada province, the aggression jets waged two raids on Saher district, three on Al-Salam area of Kutaf district and three others struck al-Takhaih area ,Majz district.

Meanwhile, the hostile fighter jets launched more than eight raids on Mandabah area of Baqam district, dropping cluster bombs, as well as a raid hit citizen’s car in Borkan area of Razah district and another raid targeted al-Malahidh area in al-Dhaher district.

The aggression’s artillery fire missiles targeted residential areas in Tallan and Thuaib ,Hidan district in Sa’ada.

In Hajja province, the enemy’s war jets hit Faj Haradh area twice and launched two raids on al-Mazraq area ,Haradh district.

In Sana’a province, the war planes hit Dhabawah camp four times in Sanhan district and launched 12 raids on al-Katab, al-Kahal Mountains, Akabah al-Sanani, Baran, Maswerah and al-Majawaha areas ,Nehm district.

The Saudi-paid mercenaries’ artillery aimed at al-Aqran area in Nehm district, causing heavy damage to citizens’ houses.

Moreover, the US-Saudi aggression war jets launched two raids on al-Jabanah area of a-Salif district in Hodiadah province and two raids on al-Hajaih area of al-Maslub district in Jawf province.

In Amran province, the enemy’s jets hit the Ninth Brigade headquarters three times and waged two raids on Qafalat Uthar district.

In Taiz province, the fighter jets of the Saudi aggression launched three raids on al-Amray area of Thubab district and another one on al-Mizan area of Mocha district.
Source:Mersad news.

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