المنبر الاعلامي الحر

؟What about 2017 will be


A new poll shows nearly three-quarters of people in the United States are hopeful about the year 2017 although a larger majority, 81 percent, are also worried about political affairs with Donald Trump serving as the commander-in-chief.

According to a new Morning Consult survey released Tuesday, 72 percent of the respondents said they were hopeful about the upcoming year.

Sixty-one percent said they were optimistic about 2017 and 51 percent felt excited.

The coming year makes half of the people feel anxious, according to the poll, 23 percent sad and 19 percent angry.

As a quarter said they were indifferent while going into the new year, less than half of the Americans reported feeling peaceful or relaxed.

With 64 percent expressing concerns about world political affairs, still, 55 percent found 2017 to be a better year than 2016.


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