المنبر الاعلامي الحر

US-Backed Saudi Coalition Crimes against Yemen and Yemeni People

Feb.26/ Yemeni press

US-backed Saudi coalition warplanes and mercenaries continue on committing crimes against Yemen and Yemeni people daily by targeting all Yemeni provinces ,here is a monitoring of yesterday’s crimes.

The capital Sana’a :US Saudi aggression warplanes launched two airstrikes in Nehm district and al-Rajo area in Arhab district, causing serious damage in citizens’ houses

In Saada, the coalition warplanes waged two raids in Kahlan camp,as well as in Taiz , it waged at least 11 raids and dropped 3 cluster bombs in Al Nar mountain the raids killed dozens of citizens and wounded others .

Also , in Taiz the warplanes targeted cows farm in the area of Almjh in Mokha district.

In Dhamar , the warplanes of the US-backed Saudi coalition targeted citizens’ home on Aotah district and cause of dozens of martyrs and injured others.

US-Saudi alliance violates all human rights in Yemen he is killinng Yemeni people and destroys properties under a horrible international silence.

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